
I may know the word
ut not say it.

Natalie Merchant


Words, words, words…

Dave Matthews


Words are free. It's how you use them that may cost you.



Raise your words, not your voice.
It is rain that grows flowers,
not thunder.



All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.

—Friedrich Nietzsche


The limits of my language are the limits of my world.

—Ludwig Wittgenstein


Speech is my hammer
Bang the world into shape
Now let it fall

Mos Def


Word, life
Word, life



Your words keep me alive.

Sarah McLachlan


Omnia melius latine sonat.

—Sine nomine

Poem: Sleeping with the Dictionary

Poem: Ode on Dictionaries

Poem: World Word

Poem: World of Glass

Poem: Eating Words

Poem: Words that Build Bridges Toward a New Tongue

Poem: The Unwritten


Higitus figitus zumbakazing

Prisencolinensinainciusol; listen

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

The Emotionary: A Dictionary of Words That Don't Exist for Feelings That Do

10 words that don’t exist in English

51 wonderful words with no English equivalent

94 obscure foreign words with no direct English translation

The power and beauty of untranslatable words

Dope, woke, cake, wildin', ghost

50 years of Hip-Hop, 50 definitive words

Hip Hop Nation Language

Hip Hop

For the love of the word

Truer words

More Than Words
