All I knew was that I didn’t feel things the way other kids did. I didn’t feel guilt when I lied. I didn’t feel compassion when classmates got hurt on the playground. For the most part, I felt nothing. And I didn’t like the way that “nothing” felt. So I did things to replace the nothingness with… something.
―Patric Gagne
I heard that you like
the bad girls, honey.
Is that true?
―Lana Del Rey
I’m not bad,
I’m just drawn that way.
―Jessica Rabbit
What it’s like to be a sociopath
Inside the mind of a sociopath
Unraveling the traits of psychopathy
Light and dark trait subtypes of human personality
Dark Triad traits and relationship dissolution
How to spot a sociopath in 3 steps
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump
The psychiatrist who warned us that Donald Trump would unleash violence was absolutely right
Why Trump is a ‘trifecta of danger’