To me, the most curious thing of all is incuriosity.
—Cormac McCarthy
Curiosity has its own reason for existence.
—Albert Einstein
Less certainty,
more curiosity.
—Neil Strauss
Curiouser and curiouser!
—Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
What’s goin’ on in there?
—A good friend
Curious, huh?
—Skyler Chowdy
Traditional ecological knowledge
Poem: The Inner History of a Day
Accountability partner worksheet
Poem: All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs
Poem: Abecedarian for the Dangerous Animals
Poem: Through the Ears of a Fish
Poem: A Body's Universe of Big Bangs
Poem: Things I Will Tell My Children About Destiny
Poem: I Go Back to the House for a Book
Poem: Springtime in the Rockies, Lichen
Poem: Lichen Grows in the Moonlight
Poem: On the Existence of the Soul
I love a hate-watch, don’t you?
Poem: Don't Let Me Be Lonely: “There is a button on the remote control called FAV...”
Why ‘The Matrix’ is more relevant than ever
The hidden world of plant intelligence
What introverts and extroverts can learn from each other
Do humans inherit or create their personalities?
Freedom from, freedom with, freedom as
The most important writing assignment I've ever assigned
An architect who builds community
Go ahead, talk about the weather
How civilization broke our brains
The twin drives of love and death
The U.S. should apologize to gay people
Why ‘adulthood’ is impossible to define
Poem: The Real Prayers Are Not the Words, But the Attention that Comes First
How Octavia Butler told the future
Fred Hampton on revolution & racism
Poem: Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Grateful Living content library
The first human to beat Tetris
Biological & cultural privilege checklist
For Small Creatures Such as We
12 famous letters that shaped history
Poem: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
How to be a radiator, not a drain
In the beginning there was a river
The club where you bare your soul to strangers
Why do deep sea creatures evolve into giants?
How to maintain hope in an age of catastrophe
The next walk you take could change your life
Whatever the problem, it’s probably solved by walking
When I stopped trying to self-optimize, I got better
Poem: The Chairs That No One Sits In
What’s something I wouldn’t believe about you?
To fall in love with the world
The animals are talking. What does it mean?
Why did we all have the same childhood?
Vending machine restaurant in Japan
Why your to-do list never ends
Why don’t more men take their wives’ last names?
The “Zoom wave” is awkward, corny, and vital
A year of amazing images from the James Webb space telescope
What did people do before smartphones?
How to know that you know nothing
This Japanese mochi shop is 1,020 years old
The unexpected joy of repeat experiences
San Diego fireworks malfunction/all-at-once
The number of ants on Earth has a mass greater than all birds and mammals combined
The oldest tree in the world (and the 7 runner-ups)
10 striking facts about lightning
How to find your new favorite hobby
bell hooks: Buddhism, the Beats and loving Blackness
People use a metaphor every 10 to 25 words
Can low expectations make you happy?
The coolest space picture I’ve ever seen
How I learned that swearing can be good for the soul
59 famous people who died under 40
The cure for hiccups exists (and it’s free)
What are you curious about these days? What piques your curiosity?
What aren’t you curious about these days? What gets in the way of your curiosity?
What might you like to be more curious about? What would help foster your curiosity?