Policies unique to my practice
Cancellation policy
I do not charge for cancellations. If we are scheduled to meet and you need to cancel, please just let me know as soon as you can, preferably by the prior midnight, especially if we were slated to meet in-person.
75-minute sessions
So that we do not feel rushed, I do 75-minute sessions. We may not need all that time, but it is included in the fee. (More on fee here.)
Weekly opt-in protocol
I hold the radical view that people will come to therapy if they find it helpful or useful, and that they won’t if they don’t. Thus, every Monday I will send out a generic email requesting that if you would like to meet this week, please confirm so by the midnight prior to our next tentative session, and whether you would like to meet online or in-person. You may find yourself feeling sufficiently resourced and thus not needing to meet. If we are not scheduled to meet but you would like to request a session, please reply so and I will confirm my availability. If yes, I look forward to seeing you then as always. If no, sending best wishes for continued wellness and resourcing.
If we work together, I will create a toolbox specific to you. Your toolbox will comprise resources and practices we may (or may not) have touched on in session, your own words of wisdom I may have captured and am reflecting back, quotes or poems I may have thought of or shared apropos of salient themes from the session, and/or other topical/peripheral therapeutic miscellany. I will update and share your toolbox the weekend following our session so that you have it as an onoing meta-resource.
Resource Friday
Every Friday I will send out a weekly resource—usually a practice, quote or poem (or all three)— encapsulating a theme common across different client sessions throughout the week.
Hybrid practice
I see clients both online and in-person. My brick & mortar office is located at the top of the BART stairs in downtown Berkeley in the suite side of the Wells Fargo building, 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 307. (Office details & Covid protocol here.)
Appointment conflict disclaimer
Occasionally I need to adjust, postpone or cancel appointments due to unforeseen events. This arrangement is not workable for everyone and I can help find an appropriate referral if this is the case for you.
Personal health disclaimer
Due to a sporadically recurring (however non-life-threatening) health condition, I am away from work on average for 1 week every 2-3 months, as well as for 2 consecutive weeks twice annually. (On rare occasions, I need to be away for more extended periods; I will specify so when such circumstances arise.) When these disruptions occur, I will usually be available in crisis and you will not be burdening me if you reach out; I will otherwise have a backup clinician subbing in for me. This arrangement is not workable for everyone and I can help find an appropriate referral if this is the case for you.