The holidays

Thanksgiving is an emotional time. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often.

—Johnny Carson


I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.

—Erma Bombeck


The awkward moment when Santa has the same wrapping paper as your parents.



The only time of the year in which one can sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of socks.



On any given day you could be an Entrance Elf, a Water Cooler Elf, a Bridge Elf, Train Elf, Maze Elf, Island Elf, Magic Window Elf, Emergency Exit Elf, Counter Elf, Magic Tree Elf, Pointer Elf, Santa Elf, Photo Elf, Usher Elf, Cash Register Elf, Runner Elf, or Exit Elf. I think I’ll be a low-key sort of elf.

David Sedaris

Cat Clinging To Side Of Christmas Tree Admits That Was Extent Of Plan

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Poem: Bless Their Hearts

Poem: When Giving is All We Have

Poem: Perhaps the World Ends Here

Oh Christmas Tree (Your Ornaments Are History)

Holidays on Ice

Jim Gaffigan on holiday traditions

Poems for the holidays

Thanksgiving poems

Christmas poems

Poems of Jewish faith and culture

List of multinational festivals and holidays

On Friendsgiving

Christmas in Hollis

A Christmas Carol (with George C. Scott)

The most unsettling Christmas Carol

John Denver & the Muppets Christmas

100 best Christmas movies of all time

50 best holiday songs of all time

Best Christmas specials of all time

Why families fight during the holidays

Families' weird holiday traditions, illustrated

All hail dead week, the best week of the year

America: Where the poor don't get holidays off

The holiday you would create

The cure for holiday blues

How to enjoy the holidays your way