
Tell me,
what is it you plan to do
with your one wild
and precious life?

The Summer Day

I welcome any & all individuals seeking support, processing, resourcing & healing regarding:

DOGE era uncertainty

Stress & anxiety

(including current events, politics & policy, war, Covid, climate change, the economy)

Relationship conflict

Stuckness/paralysis in career, work & life

Harsh inner-critic

Substance use

Fear · Phobia · Panic · OCD


Crisis management


Unresolved trauma

What is trauma?

PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder

Complex PTSD / relational trauma

Acute/single-incident trauma

Intergenerational & family legacy trauma


The trauma of adoption

Traumatic grief

Post-traumatic growth


Existential angst

Conflict avoidance

Avoidance altogether

Impostor syndrome





Impulse control



Midlife crisis

Sleep disturbance


Late bloomer


Parentified child

INFP in an ESTJ world



Grief & loss, including

Specific loss

Loss of a pet

Grieving the human toll on the earth & species extinction

Adoption, disenfranchised grief & the ambiguous loss of birth family & place

Grieving the human condition


Guilt & shame, regret & remorse

Moral injury

Survivor guilt

Perpetrator guilt


The cultivation of self-compassion

Trauma-informed resilience practices

1-minute everyday practice

Nervous system regulation

Stress management & distress tolerance

Substance use harm reduction, moderation management & relapse prevention strategies

Mindfulness in everyday life / Meditation-in-action

Creativity & play, & overcoming blocks to inner freedom

Parts work, multiplicity & dialectics

Secular contemplative Buddhist psychology


Whiteness & exploring what it means to be white

Understanding whiteness

Whiteness on the couch

White fragility

White fragility flowchart

White privilege checklist

White supremacy culture

Seeing white

We need to talk about whiteness

White Awake

Whiteness in psychotherapy