
...in the garden at St Ives. I was looking at the flower bed by the front door; “That is the whole”, I said. I was looking at a plant with a spread of leaves; and it seemed suddenly plain that the flower itself was a part of the earth; that a ring enclosed what was the flower; and that was the real flower; part earth; part flower.

Virginia Woolf


Flowers are the music
of the ground
from earth’s lips spoken
without sound.

—Edwin Curran


On my desk, small pink roses. Strange how often the autumn roses look sad, fade quickly, frost-browned at the edges! But these are lovely, bright, singing pink. On the mantel, in the Japanese jar, two sprays of white lilies, recurved, maroon pollen on the stamens, and a branch of peony leaves turned a strange pinkish-brown. It is an elegant bouquet; shibui, the Japanese would call it. When I am alone the flowers are really seen; I can pay attention to them. They are felt as presences. Without them I would die. Why do I say that? Partly because they change before my eyes. They live and die in a few days; they keep me closely in touch with process, with growth, and also with dying. I am floated on their moments.

May Sarton


Nobody sees a flower, really. It is so small it takes time. We haven't time, and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.

Georgia O'Keeffe


remembering those gone
thankful to be here—
pond of purple iris

—Margaret Chula


no flower can stay
yet humans grieve at dying—
the red peony

—Edith Shiffert


chase the sunshine
chase the sunshine

Smashing Pumpkins


The earth laughs in flowers.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Poem: Flowers

Poem: Flowers

Poem: Hello, the Roses

Poem: Jack-in-the-Pulpit

Poem: Think Not All Is Over

Poem: Aware

Flower haiku

Cultivating Delight

The Light Eaters; interview

To See Takes Time

Orchid or dandelion?

Golden afternoon

Braiding Sweetgrass

The art of seeing

Flowering plant
