Depression & bipolar

Woke up depressed.
I left for



Summer nights
and long warm days
are stolen as the old moon falls,
and the mirror shows another face,
another place to hide it all.

Chris Cornell


Darkness has a hunger
that’s insatiable,
and lightness has a call
that’s hard to hear.

Indigo Girls


But oh, ain't the nighttime
so lovely to see?
Don't all the night birds
sing sweetly?
You'll never know how happy I'll be
When the sun's going down

Gillian Welch


Night falls fast.
Today is in the past.
Blown from the dark hill
hither to my door
three flakes, then four
arrive, then many more.

—Edna St. Vincent Millay


Life’s water flows from darkness.
Search the darkness,
don’t run from it.
Night travelers are full of light,
and you are, too;
don’t leave this companionship.



Hello darkness, my old friend.
I’ve come to talk with you again.

Simon & Garfunkel


I know the darkness pulls on you,
but it's just a point of view.

Brandi Carlile


And nothing lasts forever,
even cold November rain.

Guns N’ Roses


The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality.

Andrew Solomon


In the depth of winter,
I finally learned
that within me
there lay an invincible summer.

—Albert Camus


One moment your life is a stone in you, and the next, a star.

—Rainer Maria Rilke, Sunset

Poem: I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

Poem: Not so far as the forest

Poem: In a London Drawingroom

Poem: Water Table

Poem: Fall, leaves, fall

Poem: An Envelope

Poem: There's a certain Slant of light, (320)

Poem: How Dark the Beginning

Depression, the secret we share

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Local support groups

Online support groups

Wellness toolbox

Wellness tracker

Wellness wheel

Recovery goal setting course

You have permission to be miserable

3 minute depression test

3 minute bipolar test

Hypomanic spectrum test

RAIN practice

Daily mood chart

Weekly mood chart

The depression book

The upward spiral

The noonday demon

An ode to mood swings

The mindful way through depression

An unquiet mind

Touched with fire: bipolar and the artistic temperament

Unholy ghost: writers on depression