Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.
—Mark Twain
Oh, I hate you some,
I hate you some,
I love you some
—Joni Mitchell
Why'd you have to go and make
things so complicated?
—Avril Lavigne
There may be guilt when there is too much virtue.
There was only one catch, and that was Catch-22.
—Joseph Heller
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
—Walt Whitman
it is possible
to hate and love someone
at the same time
i do it to myself
every day
—rupi kaur
Without contraries is no progression.
—William James
A denial, a denial
A denial, a denial
A denial, a denial
A denial, a denial
A denial
The hardest to learn
was the least complicated
—Indigo Girls
We are contradictory creatures, wondrously and terrifyingly so.
—Jamieson Webster
Poem: How Good Fortune Surprises Us
On cognitive dissonance · elaborated
The case against being a good person
When the art we love was created by a monster
When wellness can’t bring happiness
‘Pinchy would have wanted it this way’