Bearing witness

In the dark times,
will there also be singing?
Yes, there will be singing
about the dark times.

—Bertolt Brecht


Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

—James Baldwin


The truth is generally seen,
rarely heard.

—Baltasar Gracian


Live to tell.


Note: Discretion and self-care advised in exploring some of the following.


Poem: A Story

Poem: Every Land

Poem: At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border

Poem: Lonely Deep Affection

Poem: Sun to God

Poem: The Window, at the Moment of Flame

Poem: Airsoft

Poem: Thunder raining poison

Poem: Beginning with 1914

Poem: Burning Monk

Poem: Running Orders

Poem: Bridges Of =

Poem: Punctuations & Wind

Poem: Mosul

Poem: “So Quietly”

Poem: Montage with Neon, Bok Choi, Gasoline, Lovers & Strangers

Poem: The Innocents at Sandy Hook

Poem: Building with Its Face Blown Off

Poem: Blue Earth Banks

Poem: Blue

Two Pieces For Strings: Passacaglia: The Death of Falstaff

Less Likely

Against Forgetting

When they come for the poets

Restoring a fragmented world

A Chorus of Stones

Staying Alive


We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: stories from Rwanda

Leave None to Tell the Story

Shake Hands with the Devil

Genocide Archive of Rwanda

Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland

A Problem from Hell

The Black Book of Bosnia

Shoah Foundation



White American antisemitism

White American Islamophobia

The Yellow Wind

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl


Black resistance


Indigenous resistance


Latinx resistance

anti-Asian American & Pacific Islander

Asian American & Pacific Islander resistance

Global BIPOC resistance

Unabridged American history

Hidden history

War poetry

Poets of World War I

The War

World War II poets

The Vietnam War

Poetry of the Vietnam War


PBS Frontline

Human Rights Watch

Doctors Without Borders

Ken Burns filmography


The World We Have