
All I knew was that I didn’t feel things the way other kids did. I didn’t feel guilt when I lied. I didn’t feel compassion when classmates got hurt on the playground. For the most part, I felt nothing. And I didn’t like the way that “nothing” felt. So I did things to replace the nothingness with… something.

Patric Gagne

Poem: thirteen of twenty-four

Vic the path

Antisocial personality disorder

On psychopathy

Sociopath: A Memoir

What it’s like to be a sociopath

The sociopaths among us—and how to avoid them

The Dark Triad: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy

More on the Dark Triad

The Dark Tetrad

Light and dark trait subtypes of human personality

Dark Triad traits and relationship dissolution

On malignant narcissism

The Sociopath Next Door

How to spot a sociopath in 3 steps

3 minute sociopath test

Psychopathy test

6 minute sadism test

3 minute malicious envy test

3 minute Machiavellianism test

Dark core personality test

Dark Triad test 1, 2

Dirty dozen test

Murderous villain test

Inside the mind of a sociopath

The world’s biggest problem? Powerful psychopaths

Political Hearts of Darkness: The Dark Triad as Predictors of Political Orientations and Interest in Politics

Why dark personalities participate in politics

The interplay of the Dark Triad and social media use motives to social media disorder

A systematic literature review of the relationship between dark personality traits and antisocial online behaviors

Why the Dark Triad has little to do with being successful

Study: Why the Dark Triad is attractive to some heterosexual women

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

The psychiatrist who warned us that Donald Trump would unleash violence was absolutely right

Why Trump is a ‘trifecta of danger’

Profile of a Nation

Explaining Hitler

He married a sociopath: Me

On treating psychopathy