Toward understanding & healing this human condition
The path is the goal.
Trust in your goodness.
—Chögyam Trungpa
Note: I have no financial or other vested interest in any of the resources linked here. Some articles may require a subscription to access; I apologize in advance for any frustration such paywalls may cause.
300+ peer-reviewed psychometric tests; discretion advised with some of these
Myers Briggs 16 personalities test (& types)
Big 5 personality test · Big 5, more granular
Experiences in close relationships scale
What’s your core relationship desire?
Disc workplace personality test
What’s your road trip personality?
Multidimensional happiness test
EMDR & Flash Technique
One foot in the present, one foot in the past
EMDR: The breakthrough therapy for overcoming anxiety, stress, and trauma
Free videos of EMDR sessions (discretion advised)
Guided meditation: Inner Advisor in a beautiful place
Flash technique · published research
IFS: Internal Family Systems (parts work)
Greater than the sum of our parts
Trauma, the body & healing
Mindful Focusing (felt-sense work)
Attachment theory
CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
DBT: Dialectical Behavior Therapy
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook
ADDitude: Inside the ADHD mind
Moderation management & harm reduction re: substance use & addiction
Gabor Maté: Addiction is a response to suffering
Self-compassion guided practices & exercises
There is nothing wrong with you
Grief & bereavement
Have you considered the benefits of crying?
Five things to know about processing loss
Another Postponement of Destruction
Pete Carroll & the power of positive coaching
Longing for connection
Sleeping Next to the Man on the Plane
The value of 'deep work' in an age of distraction
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]
Appreciation & gratitude
inspiration · creative process · self-discovery · play
Not quite what I was planning: six-word memoirs
[i thank You God for most this amazing]
The enduring allure of Choose Your Own Adventure books
Is your child an orchid or a dandelion?
The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking
Why do we undervalue introverts?
Dividend of the Social Opt Out
What we gain from a good-enough life
The little rituals that keep us going
The unexpected joy of repeat experiences
To get out of your head, get out of your house
Why walking is the most underrated form of exercise
An overlooked cure for loneliness
Psychotherapy books & resources
Forest (& indoor plant) bathing
Forest bathing: how trees can help you find health and happiness
The mood-boosting effects of indoor plants
Mental health in modern times
Bravery & vulnerability
Being human
People share their deepest secrets anonymously
The six forces that fuel friendship
The Skin Deep relationship cards
Love Made Simple couples workshop
Hold Me Tight couples workshop
Premarital counseling workshop
Emotionally focused workbook for couples
Seven principles for making marriage work
Diary of a baby: what your child sees, feels, and experiences
Why we long for the most difficult days of parenthood
Childfree by choice
Trauma-informed resilience practices
Depression & bipolar
Touched with fire: bipolar and the artistic temperament
Unholy ghost: writers on depression
Support around suicidal intensity
Can’t sleep? Try sticking your head in the freezer
Everything we know about dreams
A new test for an old theory about dreams
Why adults still dream about school
The dreams you can’t remember might never have occurred
The unknowable enigma of babies’ dreams
What people around the world dream about
Happiness index
Mindfulness & meditation in everyday life
Tara Brach: Guided meditations
Wherever you go, there you are
Mindfulness in treating depression
The mindful way through depression
Neuroscience for treating depression
Secular contemplative Buddhist psychology
Toward a psychology of awakening
The key: and the name of the key is willingness
How you do anything is how you do everything
Authentic movement
Offering from the conscious body
Digital age & social media
No-phone phobia self-assessment
How to break up with your phone
Increase your digital well-being
Reclaiming conversation: the power of talk in a digital age
The shallows: what the internet is doing to our brains
Music, emotion & memory
Why does music affect our moods so much?
How a song can spark a vivid recollection
Music-evoked autobiographical memories in everyday life
Lyrics on the left side, music on the right; how our brains disentangle music
Music evokes at least 13 emotions; scientists have mapped them
Harnessing the healing power of music
How music makes us feel better
Why we listen to our favorite songs on repeat
Extreme re-listening: songs people love… and continue to love
How music loops help me feel more present
Schopenhauer on the power of music
Musicophilia: Tales of music & the brain
The Socrates Express: In search of life lessons from dead philosophers
The power of poetry
Autobiography in five short chapters
Milk & honey · The sun & her flowers
Relatable neurosis
Man spends whole day dreading fun activity he signed up for
Sense of humor & parody
I could pee on this (and other poems by cats)
15 great cat poems not written by cats
A cartoon tribute to cats, & the poets who loved them
Cats give the laws of physics a biiiiig stretch
I could chew on this (and other poems by dogs)
A natural history of the senses
Poem: Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening
Bearing witness
We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families: stories from Rwanda
At the Un-National Monument along the Canadian Border
Exploring what it means to be white
White fragility (original free/open source essay)
We need to talk about whiteness